Monday, September 2, 2019

Managerial Competency

‘‘Competency-based strategic management is a relatively new way of thinking about how organizations gain high performance for a significant period of time. Established as a theory in the early 1990s, competence-based strategic management theory explains how organizations can develop sustainable competitive advantage in a systematic and structural way. The theory of competence-based strategic management is an integrative strategy theory that incorporates economic, organizational and behavioural concerns in a framework that is dynamic, systemic, cognitive and holistic (Sanchez and Heene, 2004).This theory defines competence as: the ability to sustain the coordinated deployment of resources in ways that helps an organization achieve its goals. In the content we shall be describing the six managerial competencies, going into detail and also relating them to an individual’s personality. These managerial competencies are: communication, planning and administration, self- management, strategic action, global awareness and team work competency.All these managerial competencies are also an aspect of our daily lives, in discussion we will examine these competency’s strengths and weaknesses. No one individual can have all of them as their strength. In communication competency we will talk about the types of communications, how communication is used as a competency by managers and to an individual. Teamwork competency we will be discussing the effectiveness of a team-building strategy in a business as well include examples.In planning and administration competency we show how to plan and the benefits of having a good planning and administration structure or system. Self-management simply has the inclusion of good ethical behaviour. Global awareness in tells knowing the world, in knowing the world research must be done and having a diverse open mind about other people’s culture. In order to progress in life an individual should have strategie s in place showing him a clear direction to be taken, this is known as the strategic action competency.We stress the importance of strategic action in the context. Communication competency ‘‘The term communication competency refers to the effective transfer and exchange of information that leads to understanding between yourself and others(). Because managing involves getting work done through people, communication competency is essential to effective managerial performance. Humans use communication day-in and day-out in order to understand each other, through that understanding they are able to interact.People use different types of communication, verbal/spoken or visual (use of images), without communication there would be no way forward the world would be in a stand still. Just as in an enterprise, managers must communicate with the staff in order for them to perform a specific task. This competency is one of the authors best strength as socializing to him comes natur ally. The author cannot sing so talking(communication) is one of his talents which makes up for not being able to sing, when it comes to communication there is always room for improvement.To take it to the next step one should engage in group discussion more often and also try debate societies, because communication involves passing messages in the most effective way. Being around people and talking will cause improvement of one’s communication competency skill. Planning and Administration Competency People plan their daily lives in order to have a sustainable life that is organized, planning for tomorrow is like drafting a timetable of the things to do.Relating to students planning is important, it enable them to manage their time management improving their academic efficiency. When it comes to planning and administration competency the author has a weakness. Finding it hard to plan what is to come tomorrow. The lacking of this skill causes time mismanagement to the authorâ €™s life and creating room for disruptions. To be able to bring change to this weakness, drafting a day to day to-do list could make a big difference. An alternative would be to set a reminder that will alert one on what to do at a specific time.Teamwork Competency Accomplishing tasks through small groups of people who are collectively responsible and whose work is interdependent requires teamwork competency (Hellriegel Jackson, Slocum Amos Klopper, Louw Oosthuizen, 2007, Page 15). A united nation is a winning nation; teamwork is about working together to achieve a certain goal. Communities work together for example to fight the socio-economic problem which is crime, in turn making it a safer environment. In the same sense businesses work as a team to improve efficiency in the working environment.When it comes to designing a team, team-building strategies work best, as the strategy brings employees together creating a close relationship amongst them and making them work as a mor e united team. Relating teamwork competency to the author, a negative result will be the outcomes, as the author believes that working alone is more effective, but people have different opinions on the subject. Global Awareness Competency Carrying out an organization’s managerial work by drawing on the human, financial, information, and material resources from multiple countries.People watch the news to stay informed of what is happening around the world and in their communities. Researching what causes inflation is part of global awareness, when an individual decides they want to go work overseas they undergo global awareness. ‘‘Nevertheless, over the course of your career, you will probably work for an organization that has an international component. To be prepared for such opportunities, one should begin to develop your global awareness competency (Hellriegel Jackson et al page18)Self-management competency . ‘‘Self-management competency demonstrate s desired values and behaviours of the organization and high personal standards of ethics and integrity by being honest and treating others with respect. Influences others to model these behaviours(). Self management revolves around how a certain individual carries themselves in all aspects of their daily life. When one goes to church their behaviour is different than when they are at a night club, this forms part of self management when it comes to society behaviour.Same applies to students, when they at school self management is applied, as they separate between their school life and personal life. In life as a person one has different characters, categorized by good values and bad values. Self-management competency to the author is strength and also a weakness. On the strength point of view the author can separate right from wrong, with that in mind the author can make rational decisions. On the weakness the author finds it hard to express himself in an audience of many people. S trategic Action CompetencyIn life strategies are needed in order to make things easier, when an individual is about to make a decision or create a specific product they first strategise. Strategising includes brainstorming, planning, and implementation plan/action. Humans strategise their lives on a daily basis, whether going shopping, going to work or just planning to cook. Pupils strategise in terms of what academic results they want to achieve, putting strategic action competency will lead to their success. Strategies alone are not very much useful an action must be taken to fully utilise the strategy at hand

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