Monday, September 30, 2019

Looking after children

In this task I am going to talk about my PIES and the development of them. I asked my mother to help with my coursework and she told me that what l was like when I was the age of birth to 2 years. When I was the age of 0-3 months, I was learning how to lift my head and my chest as part of my physical development. When I was the age from 0-3 months, I was learning to smiles and I became more expressive and communicate more with my face and body developing as part of my social skills. When I was the age from 0-3 months, I was learning how to dependent on others and imitates some movements and facial expressions as part of my emotional skills. When I was the age from 0-3 months, I was learning how to explore the environment with hands my intellectual skills. When I was the age of 6 months, I was learning how to rolls from my back to tummy and hold something so that I can stand up, so l was learning how to sit up with some support in physical skills. When I was the age of 6 months, I was scared of strangers and I was also afraid when strangers picked or lifted me up so I start to cry in social skills When I was the age of 6 months, I used to cry when my mother leaves for work or shopping emotional development. When I was the age of 6 months, I like to watch adults when they are talking to my parents and try to copy them, this is an intellectual skill. When I was the age of 9 months, I will like to sit alone by my self , I try to picks up some object and try to put in my mouth and I could hold a spoon and bash it about in my plate in physical skill. When I was the age of 9 months, I try to be shy when stranger come to my parent's house and I tried clapping -social and physical skill. When I was the age of 9 months, I get so angry easily because when my parents ask me to eat I start to cry or get angry easily and l like to show fear of making loud noises when my parents ask to stop was I am do in emotional skills. When I was the age of 9 months, I look for a toy that has fallen down from the cupboard in intellectual skill When I was the age of 12 months, I would stand alone and I learn to pull myself up to a stand holding onto furniture-physical skills. When I was the age of 12 months, I used to waves bye -bye to my parents – social skill. When I was the age of 12 months, I like to be close to familiar adults – emotional skill. When I was the age of 12 months, I learn how to saying my first words -intellectual skills. When I was the age of 18 months, I was learn how to walk confidently, uses crayons to scribble -physical skills When I was the age of 18 months, I used to copies domestic tasks and I used play alone but like to be near a family friend -social skill When I was the age of 18 months, I want to do things for my self in emotional skill When I was the age of 18 months, I don't really like fizzy drink for example cola and sprite .if I don't drink it I will walk to the kitchen zinc and pour it away and I will come back for a different drink for example orange and pineapple. After drinking it I put my fingers in the cup and play with the cup intellectual skill. When I was the age of 2 years old, I used to naming parts of the body and I use to put a small table near to the kitchen zinc and stand on it and say that I was to wash my bowls and cups in physical skill When I was the age of 2 years old, I and my mother used to go to church and copy was the pastor it says for amen. When I see my friends crying I also follow them and start to cry too in social skill When I was the age of 2 years old, I become jealous of my friends when their parents has brought them a new bicycle and I begins to show my defiant behaviour in emotional skill When I was the age of 2 years old, I use shape sorter to arrange them in order in a simple size and I learn how to sing a simple rhymes for example halleluiah in intellectual skill.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Impact of Qwl on Organizational Behaviour

REPORT Topic IMPACT OF QUALITY OF WORK-LIFE (QWL) ON ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Submitted to Ma’am Mariam Pasha Submitted by Umm-e-Habiba Roll number BBC-09-17 INTRODUCTION Quality of work-life (QWL) is described as an individual’s experience related to their job. It may include broad categories and different dimensions like job satisfaction, satisfaction with the wages, hours, working condition and environment, work-life balance (balance between work and family). Today in this age of fierce competitive environment organizations should focus on the well-being of their employees.QWL is emphasized so that employees could be motivated to work efficiently towards their given goals. Stress at work could be reduced, so the employees feel satisfied with their jobs and maintain balance between their work and life. LITERATURE REVIEW From the past 30 years the concept of QWL has been used. Many problems has been faced regarding the definition and conceptualization of QWL. Different models like transfer model (spillover effect), compensation model and segmentation model etc was used to give definition of QWL (Martel, Dupuis, 2006).Research shows that the definition of QWL is also related to the definition of QOL (quality of life). But a new measuring instrument QWLSI (quality of worklife systematic inventory) was presented that allow the participants to assess QWL and their actions effectiveness regarding their organizational performance. For measuring QWL another measure was developed that depend on the satisfaction need and spillover theories. This measure was developed to check that whether work environment meet specific needs of the employee (Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel, Jinlee, 2001).That needs include social, economic and family, safety, knowledge, aesthetics and actualization needs. A hypothesis was also drawn from the spillover theories. Both the hypothesis and the new measure was supported well. Through continuous research different methods was proposed to m easure QWL by weighting satisfaction scores and using algorithms. Weighting satisfaction scores is commonly used scoring method in the measurement of quality of life. In a study SWLS (satisfaction with life scale) was taken as a global measure. The results show that SWLS did not give better performance (Wu, Yao, 2006).Locke’s theory was also included in study. The study shows that to weight satisfaction scores is not necessary and does not help improve global measure. It shows same result in the satisfaction with the job and its quality. However, in an old research a conceptual model was given that shows the relation between the pQL (perceived quality of life) and the organizational work. The model shows that the work at job could be influenced by the changing work, non-work life, its quality and work domain experiences (Rice, Farlin, Hunt, Near, 1985). It also shows social and psychological perspective of pQL and organizational work.There were many different arguments that w orker performance and organizational support are not related to the employee benefits. However, a model was developed that showed work-life benefits is directly related to workers performance, organizational behavior and indirectly to the organizational support (Lambert, 2000). The results show a positive relationship. But beside work-life benefits a firm productivity is also important that depend on the type of the workers hired by the firm. Firm who focus on hiring higher percentage of women and skilled workers show strong relationship with the work-life programs and productivity and vice versa.Professionals have high responsibility so they demand high as well. The programs have positive effect on productivity. Large firms are not willing to hire employees with high non-work responsibilities because it reduces their performance on job. Future research should study work-life mechanisms to understand well (Konrad, Mangel, 2000). One year after that a test was conducted which found t hat whether the intrinsic traits (autonomy, skills, challenges etc) or extrinsic traits (salaries, tangible benefits) affect satisfaction with the QWL.The results shows that in order to improve QWL organizations should pay more attention towards extrinsic factors as compared to the intrinsic factors (Lewis, Brazil, Krueger, Lohfeld, Tian, 2000). However few years later, a hypothesized model was given which shows that income which is an extrinsic trait is not directly related to the QWL under different variables like gender, status, job satisfaction and love of money. Income have either negative impact or no impact on the quality under the given variables, income and QWL also depend on these variables (Tang, 2007).The variables are also directly related to each other. IMPLICATIONS Working conditions is an important part of the job so that the employees feel satisfied with their work. The management of the organization must take actions that helps in improving the QWL and maintains th e balance between the work and life. Management must be supportive and the quality of the supervision must be improved so that employees can easily consult their supervisors in case of any issues at work and the supervisors understand their priorities well.Work load must be decreased in order to increase efficiency and satisfaction with work. Extrinsic factors include tangible benefits which play an important role in increasing the motivational level must also be focused. Nowadays, the management of the organizations facing the work-life issues which cannot be easily ignored because they effect the performance level so friendly policies and practices must be adopted and certain family and employee assistance programs must be initiated. REFERENCES Alison M. Konrad, R. M. (2000).The impact of work-life programs on firm productivity. Strategic Management Journal , 21, 1225-1237. Davis Lewis, K. B. (2001). Extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of QWL. Leadership in health sciences , 14, 9-15. Dupuis, J. P. (2006). Quality of work-life,theorectical and methodological problems and presentation of a new model and measuring instrument. Social Indicators Research , 77, 333-368. J. Lambert, S. (2000). Added benefits:The link between work-life benefits and organizational citizenship behavior. The Academy of Management Journal , 43, 801-815.M. Joseph Sirgy, D. E. (2001). A new measure of QWL based on Need satisfaction and Spillover Theories. Social Indicators Review , 55, 241-302. Robert W. Rice, D. B. (1985). Organizational work and the pQL:toward a conceptual modal. The Academy of Management Review , 10, 296-310. Tang, T. L. (2007). Income and quality of life:does the love for money make a difference? Journal of Business Ethics , 72, 375-393. Yao, C. H. (2006). Do we need to weight satisfaction scores with important ratings in measuring QWL. Social Idicators Research , 78, 305-326.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Billy's Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Billy's Case - Essay Example A man gauges his position, his benefits, and losses and thus makes a rational choice. A crime or misdeed always comes with its consequences and the person who is guilty of violating the law is liable to punishment. The penalties of crimes differ with the nature of the offense and the circumstances under which the crime was committed. Shoplifting can be defined as the theft of goods or merchandise from a retail establishment. The penalty of shoplifting depends upon the penal code of the state where the theft has taken place. The penalty usually depends upon the retail value of the stolen goods; it can result in a fine or sometimes imprisonment as well in case the retail value of the stolen merchandise is very high or if the shoplifter has a criminal record (Shteir, 2011). In some states, shoplifting comes under the provision of theft or larceny. But even then it is considered a petty theft and the offenders are not charged and sentenced too harshly. While other states differentiate shoplifting from other theft offenses, shoplifters are charged lightly as compared to other theft offenders. Shoplifting is one of the most common types of property theft because the penalty for it is not too high. Rational choice theory posits that crime is a result of rational choices; people weigh both the ends before committing a certain crime. So, if people are under the impression that shoplifting is a petty crime with a low penalty and shoplifters are not sentenced heavily, there is a chance that they might get indulged in shoplifting more than in other crimes, for which the penalties are high. Unlike major thefts, there is a big chance that the offender might get away with shoplifting as it is done during working hours. Surveys and research have proved that most of the shoplifters are amateurs. If the penalties are increased, the people who are not professional criminals will think twice before committing a crime. If the outcome of the offense is not beneficial

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case Study - New Supervisor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study - New Supervisor - Essay Example The most pressing issue for George is lack of planned strategy and organized way of working. The work lacks proper documentation of work and records of workers, including their work schedules, attendance and performance details. Hence to monitor the work performance and productivity, George needs to streamline the process and develop strategic plans to organize work schedules. These should be communicated across the employees. He should also define duties and emphasize on disciplined work culture where achieving targets is highlighted. He should also delegate duties so that junior managerial and administrative staff become well versed in the office processes. Most importantly, George must create a pool of talent based on skill and aligned work. This would enable the workforce to organize the schedules for optimal performance. There also needs to be constant communication across management and workforce so conflicts can be resolved early and amicably. From the remaining issues, the top priority of George would be to resolve the issue of Francine who had filed a grievance with the personal department against the assistant supervisor. As there was no organized way of working and office lacked proper records of employees work details, the case of Francine needs to be resolved early as she could easily have EEOC claim. George has huge burden of streamlining the work process and create facilitating work environment. Strong work culture ensures long term sustainable competitive advantage (Armstrong & Baron, 2005). Therefore strong teamwork needs to be promoted. Performance based incentives would be motivating factors for the workforce (Armstrong & Murlis, 2007). George also needs to develop well organized record keeping and documentation of office records. This would help to evaluate performance regularly and motivate workers for incentives and bonus. Moreover, creating talent pool would facilitate better

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Financial Institutions and Market - Financial Innovation Essay

Financial Institutions and Market - Financial Innovation - Essay Example Advantages include; the creation of new securities, creation of new markets and financial institutions and the economic growth. The creation of new securities provides the investors with new avenues to invest in and it injects fresh capital which in turn leads towards increased employment opportunities. The disadvantages include; use of financial innovation for deceptive purposes such as off balance sheet financing and the creation of special purpose vehicles. The paper discusses two cases related to off balance sheet that shed light over the detrimental impacts of financial innovation over the economy as a whole. Financial Institutions & Market – Financial Innovation There has been significant debate regarding the validity of financial innovation. It has been suggested that financial innovation plays a vital role in the economic growth and prosperity and that, resultantly, financial system regulators should resist over-regulation that might create hindrances in the way of inn ovation. As a counter argument, it has been brought to foreground that certain financial innovations have been blamed for creating enormous economic crises in the recent past. As a result of such financial crises, governments all over the globe are taking extraordinary measures in order to avert more of such crises and they are imposing new financial regulations in this regard. The question that would be discussed in the following paper is whether the potential benefits of the financial system innovation should deter regulators from imposing restrictions on the activities of financial institutions. ADVANTAGES OF FINANCIAL INNOVATION Even though financial innovation has been blamed as the main reason behind financial crises, it has also been said that financial innovation is very important for economic growth. The economic crises that have been said to be due to financial innovation are actually due to the improper use of financial innovation. Innovation, if used properly and constru ctively, can lead towards growth and prosperity in the economy of a country. Following are some of the benefits of financial innovation: Creation of New Securities Financial innovation is the leading reason behind the creation of new securities. Any creation of securities leads towards new capital which is used for economic growth. By creating of new securities, investors invest in the securities and earn returns while the institutions that create such securities invest the capital for the purpose of economic growth (Kimmel, 2010). The resultant growth creates new job opportunities and adds new revenue to the overall economic system of the country. In this way, financial innovation leads towards new investment and financial growth. Creation of New Markets and Institutions Financial innovation is the reason behind the creation of new markets and financial institutions. For example; the concept of ‘Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)’ came to foreground due to financial i nnovation and this method is being widely used by investors all around the world to create and invest in investment schemes with different investment portfolios (Boot & Thakor, 1997). The investment schemes

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Teaching Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Teaching Education - Essay Example The issue of teaching then confronts the specialized needs of children and the approaches to learning. More important, are confrontations with the individual child and the way in which they are engaged in the classroom according to personal needs and desires. Looking at various aspects of the complexity of teaching then offers different insight into the methods and approaches which are taken to children in the classroom. The specific challenge of teaching today is based on how to engage students in the classroom and what this means with meeting traditional requirements and offering new solutions to learning the necessary knowledge of different topics. An issue which is engaged with learning and teaching in the classroom is based on engaging the minds of students and how this can be done. According to Barry Schwartz, there isn’t the ability to create a sense of engagement among students, specifically because the occupation of each student’s mind. The reality is that most students are looking at life choices and daily choices on a continuous basis. These come from the necessary consumption that is within society as well as alternatives which are approached in terms of the life questions that consume minds. The idea of consumption of questions and choices is one which comes from the ideologies of belonging to an area that is engaged in choices and the freedom to decide among a variety of things. The challenge to teachers then becomes based on creating the right approach to reach students while understanding that the ideologies of choice and consumption are continuously a part of the mindset of children and their decision to engage in specific activities (Schwartz, 2005). The concept of choice among students and the changing engagement which this leads to is one which is furthered with the new tools and technology that is in the classroom. For teachers, this poses both new challenges and opportunities for teaching. This comes from the same choices and the stimulations that students are surrounded by in the environment that is altering the way in which students learn and the teaching which is available to students. The challenge comes with the engagement in the classroom and the way in which technology often detracts from the ability to create the right atmosphere with teaching. However, other experiments show a different outcome, where technology works as a tool in creating links with children. According to Nicholas Negroponte, an experiment with offering 1 laptop per child created stimulation in the learning where fewer kids were dropping out and more students were becoming engaged with the material that was being learned. The question was then based on the idea of certain choices and technologies that led to deferment from materials, while others used the same materials to create even more engagement to the learning process and to offer exploration with the topics learned (Negroponte, 2006). The challenges and opportunities th at are presented with the learning with children are defined specifically by the way in which teaching needs to be approached in terms of individual needs and cultural affiliations. Teachers are now responsible for looking at the conditions which students are under and the defining points that are associated with this. The affiliations are combined with looking at the pragmatics of teaching, specifically which applies to how a teacher can effectively grab the attention of children and students in a changing world and with different tools that are now available. While the historical and traditional dynamics of teaching are still presented in the classroom, this limits what is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Western expansion and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Western expansion and development - Essay Example The immigrants from China faced a lot of discrimination upon arriving in the United States which was evident in the manner of treatment that they received in the mines. In 1850s, the U.S government limited the right of naturalization to the white immigrants only which made it difficult for Chinese immigrants to pursue independent livelihoods. The Missouri Compromise allowed for slavery to continue in the newly acquired states which meant that immigrants of African descent were to be treated as slaves and not as people who came in search for greener pastures. The Mexican War saw the expansion of the United States to parts of territories that initially belonged to Mexico. This made it easy for immigrants from Mexico to move to the country with most of them settling in the states of Texas and Oregon regions. The United States played a critical role in ending the Second World War. The nation initially tried to avoid entering the war even as pressure from the Britain mounted. They finally agreed to take part in it as it was seen as a threat to its security. During the Holocaust, the United States did not lower its tight stance on immigration and it is believed many Jews would have been saved if the laws were lessened to allow Jews immigrants into the country. The American Jewish community had undermined the impact of the Holocaust and they failed to consider advocating for the uplifting of more Jews from the affected areas. During the World War II period the American Jewish community was bitterly and deeply divided, and was unable to form a common front. Proponents of a Jewish state and Jewish army agitated, but many leaders were so fearful of an anti-Semitic backlash inside the U.S. that they demanded that all Jews keep a low public profile. The Bracero Program which was formed in the year 1942 saw the increase of immigrants from Mexico who mainly came into the United States to offer cheap labor. At the onset of World War II, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Public Presentation Speech on Hofstra UNIVERSITY Baseball Essay

Public Presentation Speech on Hofstra UNIVERSITY Baseball - Essay Example The Hall of Fame was introduced in 1939 with Dale Petroskey as the president (Vaccaro, 73). This gesture by the university has been forceful in encouraging students to participate in sports. It seeks to appreciate the University’s alumni who did their best to take their respective sports at higher levels. The hall of fame includes students who have shown their prowess and alacrity in sports. Each year the University’s department of sports, though a high caliber panel selects candidates for this hall. This year Greg Polli who played baseball for the university in 1983 was selected for the hall of fame. The History of Hofstra baseball is one that is remembered with nostalgia that is drawn from the memories of the university’s pioneers of fame, pride and dominance. The Hafstra baseball course was initiated in 1938. According to (Vaccaro, 73) an online sports news desk, Brant Alyes who played in1959-1961 was the first baseball player from Hafstra University to make it to a major league level. Ken Singleton 1966-1966 is another baseball icon who made it to a major league. It is almost inevitable to mention the baseball players of Hafstra University who have gone professional in Hafstra baseball discourses. Greg Polli is a former All- American player who was also ranked third in the nation. Lance Schulters who played soccer for the university between 1996 and 1997 went professional. His professional soccer was at its prime when he was picked for the fourth time in 1998 by NFL in Francisco where he played for a decade (Vaccaro, 73). Finally it is commendable of the university to see the efforts put in all aspects of the university. Hafstra has become not only an academic giant but also a center of producing all round, disciplined and focused citizen of our republic with sports proving to be the best tool for its ambitious endeavors

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hinduism Paper Essay Example for Free

Hinduism Paper Essay With over 900 million followers, Hinduism is the third largest religion today. Only Christianity and Islam have more. The major difference between them though, is that Hinduism did not spread like the other two religions. Out of the 900 million followers that the Hindu religion has, only 20 million are located outside of India. The religion barely spread outside of India, mainly because of how the Hindu religion is followed and how its culture is. Hinduism has a very rich history, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth century the religion went through some big changes that changed India and the countries around them. Hinduism started in around 3000 BC but unlike other religions, which had one certain founder, or someone who generally started the religion, the Hindu religion grew slowly out of beliefs, cultures and practices of ancient Indo-Aryan tribes. In the article â€Å"Enjoying Religions: When Did Hinduism Begin?† Buddha tells us that Hinduism took centuries to actually become a true religion. Hindus believe in reincarnation, that every living thing has a soul, and that after death each soul gets born again into a different body. Karma plays a huge role in Hinduism, where if you live a life of good, you move onto a better form of life, and if you live a life of evil, you move down to a lower form of life. Hindus believe that you keep coming back to life to live on earth over and over again, and over many lifetimes you can escape this cycle and join Brahman. This is pretty far apart from Christianity and Islam, where you only live once and then either go to heaven or hell according to how you lived your life. Another difference between Hinduism and other religions is that they don’t have a central book like the Bible or the Quran. Instead they have sacred texts, and together they make a book called Vedas. The caste system played and continues to play a major role in India. Hinduism is not just a religion, but also a way of life, which affects everyday life of the average Indian. From marriage to friendship and from what you can eat to how you should sleep. In Hindu culture you can only be married to someone who is in the same caste as you are. Hinduism has played a huge role in shaping the history of southern Asia. The Pre-Modern Period of Hinduism, which was around the years 1500-1757, was a time where different cultures were starting to get involved in India and the Hindu religion. Mainly Islam. Professor Gavin Flood tells us in his article, â€Å"The History of Islam† that the Islam forces started in the North, and by the beginning of the seventeenth century Mughal power was brought into effect and in the article â€Å"The Mughal Empire – Akbar† they really give an inside look at the life and reign of Akbar. Akbar, who was one of the greatest leaders of the Mughal Empire and in Indian history, was very tolerant to religion. In fact, he actually married a Hindu princess. Akbar allowed the Hindus to practice freely. However, his great grandson, Aurangzeb, who ruled from 1618 to 1707, restricted Hindu practice and destroyed many Hindu temples. He was the last of the Mughal Emperors. Although under his rule the Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent, he was also the reason for the empires fall. The British Period, which starts at 1757 and goes all the way to 1947, started with Robert Clive’s victory at the Battle of Plassey, which ended the Mughal Empire and the rise of British supremacy in India. Before the Indian Rebellion in 1857, India was divided into many small and unstable kingdoms, until the entire country fell into British rule. In the beginning of British rule they were very lenient on religious tolerance, and allow the Indians to practice their Hindu religion. Slowly over time, Christian missionaries started going to India trying to convent the Indians. Shortly after, British scholars started going to India and started to try to westernize the local population. Some tried to make the Hindu religion more modern and western, and created Neo-Hinduism, as it says in the article by Brian Smith, â€Å"Hinduism†. Hinduism has come a long way in history. Most people would say the Hinduism is still just as pure as it started, even with foreign invasions like the Mughals with Islam, and the British with Christianity. Although they’ve tried, foreign missionaries could not convert the Hindus to either Islam or Christianity. Until today Hinduism is still mostly practiced in India and very little outside of there. Even though Hinduism is a religion mostly practiced in only one part of the globe, it is still the third largest religion in the world.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Expensive nature Essay Example for Free

Expensive nature Essay We can see that the maiden was not happy with the way in which her life changed when she uses the rhetorical question why did a great Lord find me out, To fill my heart with care? She is basically asking, Why did her life have to change when she was so happy and why did the lord have to fill her heart with care and worry whereas before she was blissful unaware of any problems surrounding her. She feels shame in the fact that she enjoyed her relationship with the lord woes me for joy thereof as in her time what she was engaging in would have been considered disgraceful. She feels used by the Lord and describes how if her hadnt come into her life she wouldnt be an unclean thing or if they had got married she could have been a dove and enjoyed a good life with him. The poet then starts to write of the cottage maidens feelings towards her cousin Kate. She describes the way the Lord grew tired of the cottage maiden and then decided to start a relationship with Kate and we get the inclination that the cottage maiden has feeling of jealousy but also anger towards this. She feels the Lord wanted Kate because she was good and pure she was a virgin and the fact that she wouldnt give in to the Lord made him want her even more. This makes the cottage maiden angry with herself for giving in to him and she goes on to describe how he bound Kate with his Ring and the neighbours just called her an outcast thing. This implies that she believes if she hadnt had sex with The lord maybe he would have married her instead of Kate. Now the cottage maiden is stuck in her old life, and is unhappy because now she has had a taste for higher things she is not contented with what she had before anymore. She sits and howls in dust while Kate is now enjoying what the cottage maiden used to have but to a higher extent You sit in gold and sing. In the next few stanzas the cottage becomes bitter towards her cousin and implies that She really loved him whereas her cousin Kate was bought by the lord, she says that if their situations had been switched she wouldnt have taken the Lord if he had been with her. The Maiden seems angrier with her cousin than she is with Lord but she feels betrayed by both of them. Although in the last stanza the maidens tone changes she begins to gloat. She realises that she has the one thing that her cousin Kate would like but cannot have, a baby. She knows her cousin worries about this but seems unsympathetic as she goes on to say how she will not being giving her son up and she is protective over him cling closer, closer yet. She knows that the lord would give lands for one but she seems to be saying tough to both of them and maybe thinks Kate is getting the punishment she deserves from god, seens as in those days a baby was seen as a gift from god. The cottage maiden loves her son more than anything else in her life and shows this by saying my shame, my pride she thinks she should be ashamed of him but she is not she still loves him dearly. In the seduction and Cousin Kate the male characters are portrayed very negatively.  Eileen McAuley describes a youth that met the young girl at the party. After the party he takes her to the docks in Liverpool, which have relevance to the way in which he perceives the young girl. The docks are typically associated with prostitutes, which suggests he doesnt think anymore of her than a cheap prostitute. This also comes to our attention when in the last line of the second stanza he muttered little slag. This lets us no without a doubt that he had no respect for her or had no intention of becoming involved in any kind of relationship with her past that night. He comes across as quite cheap from the way the author writes, leather jacket creaking madly Expensive leather is extremely quiet and soft, the fact that his jacket was creaking implies it was not of an expensive nature. He also spits in the river, trying to impress her but really just showing his vulgarity. He had obviously planned the night, which makes him seem quite seedy and perverted, he seems to be in control of the night, he sat down, he led her, and hed bought her more drinks. He seems to be the source of intoxicated state as he had been buying her drinks all night and he handed her the vodka at the river. The fact that he thinks he need to get her drunk before she will have any contact with him shows that maybe he doesnt really think that highly of himself anyway. The conversation between the couple is very one dimensional and shows the boy to be quite selfish as he only talks about subjects which concern or interest him and shows no interest in any subject relating or relevant to the young girl. The way the author describes how he spends his free time also gives us an insight into what type of boy the young girl is involved with. He says he spends most afternoons down by the river whilst he should be in school so the fact that hes a truant makes him seem less academic and clever and more juvenile. He also explains how he goes there alone so we get the inclination that maybe he doesnt have that many friends either or he could be antisocial. He says blatantly in from of the girl that he goes there with his dads magazines making him sound seedy and sweet paint thinner indicating that he abuses solvents. All in all he doesnt make himself sound to attractive to this young intelligent girl who is looking for the perfect partner to lose her virginit y to. He is very unromantic when it comes to seducing the young girl; in fact he is anything but seducing her hes just trying to grope her. The author writes about how he contrived to kiss her which again goes back to the way he had planned the night in advance but also shows us that he didnt have any interest in the girl he just wanted to use her for sex.  In Cousin Kate we do not find out about the Lord in such great detail but we get the inclination that he used his position and his money to trick the cottage maiden into a relationship when the author uses the phrase he lured me to his palace home. The word lured implying seediness and trickery. The author creates the Lord as a very fickle man who treats his women like clothing, wore them as eye candy until they were dirty and boring only to throw them away and change them for a better model. He became bored with the cottage maiden after she had had sex with him and decided to pursue her cousin Kate. He comes across as quite persistent to get his own way as he does not give up on Kate and he ends up marrying her, so he can finally get his own way which shows that he will go to extremes to get what he wants. He obviously feels that love is based upon possessions and not emotions as he tries to buy Kate with his lands and money not with his personality, this make him seem shallow. The setting for both poems is important, the seduction being set in the city and cousin Kate in the country has great relevance.  I touched upon the setting for the seduction earlier; the docks being associated with prostitution implies that the boy felt the girl was of that standard. Also the setting is not glamorous it is quite seedy and putrid. The way the author says towards the frightening scum on the water reflects on the dangerous situation that she has got herself involved in but also the word scum actually mirrors the boys character. The author also goes on to describe the Mersey, green as a septic wound and I think this simile on the setting also reflects in the situation as a whole, infectious and unrewarding. Also the setting for the second part of the poem is a bedroom, isolated from the rest of the world, showing the young girls emotions, her longing to be cut of from the rest of her surroundings. The setting is a contrast from the first part of the poem, whereas the city is bustling, busy and noisy, her room is secluded, quiet and lonely. The change in scenery reflects the change of tone and emotion. The choice of setting for Cousin Kate is quite straightforward; the countryside is perceived as a quite place full of nature and animals, unlike a city. A city is a more typical setting for a situation like the cottage maidens so the fact that it takes place in the countryside is even more ludicrous. Both authors use the settings to create effect but the effect they have on us is the complete opposite of each other. In the seduction the reader is supposed to relate the situation to the setting but in Cousin Kate it is used for shock effect and to make the situation seem more extreme as the countryside isnt the typical place youd expect her relations to be taking place.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tourism PESTEL Analysis | Canary Islands

Tourism PESTEL Analysis | Canary Islands PESTEL PESTEL as acronym stands for political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors, which influence the processes within a n organization. It is an analysis, which concentrate on the environmental factors that influence the operational firm. Therefore, it is a mandatory and helping tool for managers to have better insights about the threats and opportunities and understand its majority that exist in a running business, which are affected by such factors. This analysis thus, provides a greater vision for managers for current and future purposes to compete on the market completely and effectively. The understanding of the environment that influences the business is crucial to have an overview and control of the organization to manage the plans with environmental effects. The firm, which does neglect the forces of environmental changes, hardly succeeds and survives the competition. The right apprehension of Pestel also provides a great strategy to managers about th e existing external forces that affecting the business environment. (P)olitical factors The political environment that exists in a nation can have tremendous impacts on the execution of a business including the lodging business. Governmental issues influence the day-by-day lives of numerous subjects all over the Canary Islands and companies it is a must to develop ways to adjust to the political circumstances in the nation. The political methodology received by a nation influences the quantity of nearby guests and their capacity to go around the nation. The hotel industry of Canary Islands is highly dependent on the local and international visitors. Year by year, the Canary Islands has been captivates a great amount of tourist from abroad. Canary Islands are Autonomous groups of Spain with a membership as well in the European Union. In the Council Decision of 20 June 2002 (2002/546/EC), taken on the basis of Article 299(2) of the EC Treaty, the Kingdom of Spain was authorised from 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2011 to exempt or reduce partially from the AIEM tax (Arbitrio sobre las Importaciones y Entregas de Mercancias en las islas Canarias) some products produced locally in the Canary Islands. The AIEM tax is generally imposed on products imported into or obtained in the Canary Islands. In the annex to the Council Decision is the list of products to which the above mentioned special measure applies. The difference in taxation between goods taxed on a regular basis and those to which is applied an exemption or partial reduction cannot be higher then 5%, 15% or 25% depending on the product. In the Council Decision of 20 June 2002 the reasons underlying the adoption of the special arrangements were presented. The main sources of the problems faced by the Canary Islands are isolation and fragmentation of the market. This causes various difficulties mainly connected with higher production costs (transport, energy, supplies of raw materials, treatment of waste, etc). It also contributes to the low diversification of the economy which is weaker and more susceptible to negative changes than European and global markets. In other words the special measures were introduced to counter disadvantages faced by the Canary Islands and thereby allowing the economy of the Islands to develop. They were especially targeted at strengthening domestic industry by increasing its competitive position, which is disadvantaged because of the location, structure and size of the market. Also, they are unable to benefit from globalisation. The AIEM aims at reducing those disadvantages of the market of the Canary Islands. Data provided by the Spanish Government shows that positive effects were observed after the special measures were introduced, however the problems underlying the special tax scheme continue to exist. Therefore continuation of special measures is justified. (E)conomic factors The second factor, which influences the working process and the accomplishment of Hotel Costa Calero is the economic ones. GDP growth forecast for 2015 and 2016 to 3.3% and 3.0% respectively. Overall, the greater economic dynamism encourages the creation of more than 60 000 jobs in the biennium 2015- 2016. the consolidation of the price of a barrel of oil at relatively low levels compared to the average of 2014 can be a significant boost to the Islands economy in 2015 and 2016 the European Central Bank surprised with a policy of quantitative expansion of higher volume than expected, and has left open the date of termination of the program. These actions will promote a reduction in financing costs to the private sector, especially in economies such as Spanish where fragmentation of the European financial system resulted in higher interest rates for households and firms in other eurozone countries. This will support growth in new credit operations and enhance the good performance of domestic demand. Depreciation of the euro against the dollar, that will put the exchange rate around $ 1.1 / â‚ ¬ 2015 on average BBVA Research estimates suggest that this depreciation of the euro 20% of its value in 2014 could boost the 0.8 pp Islands economy in 2015, the result of improved export competitiveness Canary faces several challenges, most notably an unemployment rate still above 30%. Return the regional appeal, increase the participation rate of young people and, above all, of those over 54 (see Box 3) and accelerate job creation consistent with increases in productivity must be considered a primary goal for the sake of reverse the divergence of per capita income about major European regions. On the revenue side, the approved budget reflects an increase in non-interest income of 3.5% compared to the initial forecasts of 2014, driven by increased resources Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands (REF), which will be helped by the recovery in consumption and changes policy of the Tax on imports and delivery of goods in the Canary Islands (AIEM). The tourism sector is the main engine of the Islands economy (around 30% of GDP ) and, during the last five years, 2014 closed again, posting record figures in the number of visitors. Indeed, the Canaries received 11.4 million foreign tourists, up 8% from the previous year. By country, the UK (4 million) and Germany (2.7 million), remain the main source markets. Moreover, total tourist spending in the region also set a record with more than 14,200 million euros. This represents an increase of 7.1% %, the fall in the average stay (-0.3 days) it is primarily responsible for this development. Also, other factors help explain this phenomenon. Although geographically, the fall of stay has been widespread among the major source markets, this decline has been most pronounced among travelers aged between 45 and 64 years and tourists with high income levels, which added a decrease in daily spending, (S)ocial Factors Canary Islands have a population of 2.104.815 wherefrom Lanzarote dispose of 141.940 inhabitants. Major percentage of this population is from Spaniard origin (109.178 in Lanzarote) and the rest of includes of German, Italian, Romanian, Moroccan, English, Columbian and from Chinese origin (These major nationalities from the population of Lanzarote are noted in the paper by their number of beyond one thousand from the residential nationality origin in 2014 (, 2014)). This means, that Lanzarote is a culturally multiple island due to its historically and up to present migration into the island/s. The age structure in the Canarias is as follows; the age group from the total population under 16 is 22.2%, in Lanzarote is 27.3%, the working force from age 16 and under 65 is 56.9 in the Canary islands and 63.1% in Lanzarote from the citizens and finally people of age above 65 is 20.9% in the Canarias and 9.6% in Lanzarote (, 2014 and, 2014). Education in the Canary Islands is compulsory for children below the age of 16 (, 2010), which is a free for this aged population. Primary education is compulsory, however the rate of school leavers is 35% of the population between age 18 and 24, which might be caused the inefficient share of knowledge, demands of skill obtaining, low levels of standard education, however, according to Social and Political Pact, by 2020-2025 85% of the population would be compulsory to dispose a certificate from intermediate education (, 2012). (T)echnology Technology is one of the variables that could directly influence the business operations. The use of development in IT helps to maintain a smooth communication and operation in the organization and with customers as well. It largely influences the marketing and promotion of the products, so the say the service. The way of communication is changing to web based techniques. Hotel Costa Calero can be reached through their official website and social media such as Facebook, however their website should develop their channel, because of their discomposing appearance from their disordered outlook. The location of Canary Islands make possible to get around it by plane only. There are eight airports altogether in the Canary Islands and have an extensive network of highways. Numerous airlines established long distance flights to the islands such as its low budget known Ryanair, which is a great opportunity for those visitors who have limited budget for vacations. There are large ferryboats that link islands as well as fast ferries linking most of the islands. The increased use of tablets and smartphones is creating a convergence of e- and m-payments. M-payments are increasing at a rapid pace with non-banks slowly increasing their share of transactions. From 2011-2015, m-payments are expected to grow by 60.8% to 47.0 billion transactions. The mobile payments space is increasingly competitive, with banks and non-banks striving for market dominance and consumer loyalty. The slight slowdown in e-payments growth (from 19.2% in 2012 to 15.4% in 2013, a total of 29.3 billion transactions) has been due to a shift towards m-payments use, driven by increased penetration of smart phones and the internet, advancements in technology, and innovative products and services. Going forward, e-payment transactions are expected to grow in Europe as progress is made on the European Union’s revised Payments Services Directive (PSD II). The Canary Islands have been able to transfer successfully to their African neighbours their own expertise and technological developments, mainly in the renewable energy and water technology sectors, for providing basic services such as electrification and water supply services to isolated rural communities. The Canary Islands Government is deploying in the region technology parks specialising in adaptive technologies for development. Water treatment:production of 600,000 m3desalinated water per day. The first desalinating plant in Spain was inaugurated in Lanzarote in 1965. Solar energy:more than 2,500 sunlight hours per year, with a radiation of 5-6 KWh/m2per day. Photovoltaic systems operate with the production of more than 1,700 hours. Wind power:constant winds with average speeds of 6 to 8 m/s provide wind farms the equivalent to 3,000-4,000 wind hours. Geothermal energy:there are two projects currently in progress. These renewable energies can be implemented into the hotel industry to Hotel Costa Calero specifically for electricity purposes and to expand and develop it to other firms and association for variant countries. (E)nvironmental factors This factor became important in the last fifteen years because of increasing scarcity of raw material, pollution targets, doing business as an ethical and sustainable company, carbon footprint targets set by government. These are just some of the issues marketers are facing within this sector. More and more consumers are demanding that the products they buy are sources ethically and if possible from a sustainable source. The European Union emphasizes waste management as one of the most important issue of political movement with the elementary factors such as reduction in the volume of waste generated, optimization of recycling, reuse and safe disposal. Waste treatment Waste treatment companies2 , both of urban and non-urban origin, managed 44.9 million tonnes of waste in the year 2012, which is 10.0% more than the previous year. 96.1% of the managed waste corresponded to non-hazardous category, reaching 43.1 million tonnes (10.9% more than in 2011). Conversely, hazardous waste stood at 1.8 million tonnes (8.6% less than in 2011). Of the total waste, 53.6% was sent for recycling, 39.6% for dumping and 6.8% for incineration. In total, 24.1 million tonnes of waste were recycled in 2012, the main categories being Metallic (10.1 million tonnes), Paper and cardboard (4.9 millions) and Animal and plant (2.2 million) waste. In the Canary Islands altogether the population created 44.9 million tonnes of waste in 2012, which is increased compared with the previous year with 10%. 96.1% of the gathered waste complemented to non-hazardous category, which 43.1 million tones from the total. The hazardous waste from the total was 1.8 million tons. From the total waste 53.6 % was processed in recycling mode, 39.6 % was dumped and 6.8% was incinerated. This means, in total 24.1 million tons was recycled in 2012 wherefrom the waste was metallic (10.1 M), paper and cardboard (4.9 M) and animal and plant (2.2 M). (L)egal factor The Canary Islands have extremely transparent fiscal regulations, fully approved by the European Union and Double Treaty Agreements signed by Spain. Recently, several actions have been adopted to combat tax avoidance and offshore tax As an European region, the Canary Islands are subject to the European legal system, and, as an autonomous community of the Kingdom of Spain, all the national regulations are applicable in their territory. The EU legal system has one of the highest standards of international legal security, which results in higher protection for companies based in the Canary Islands in many aspects, including data protection, free competition and financial regulations, evasion by the OECD and the G20 governments. These transparent fiscal regulations , administered by the Economic and Fiscal Regimen of the Canary Islands (REF), benefit companies through legal process cost reductions. Instead of VAT, Canary Islands use IGIC, which is an indirect tax and it makes possible to create and sustain efficient businesses among different countries that dispose with the ease and balance the isolated geographical location of the Canarias. Moreover, currently Costa Calero lacks of the mobile application service, which might be advised to keep up with this technological trend.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Impact of Cultural Heritage on Bryce Courtenay and Ernest Hemingway :: Biography Biographies Essays

Impact of Cultural Heritage on Bryce Courtenay and Ernest Hemingway Throughout the world, there are many diverse cultures, each of these distinct cultures have different backgrounds, rituals and practices. These cultures have a profound effect on the minds of their inhabitants. It's a person's culture which effects their thoughts, beliefs and their outlook upon life. It doesn't matter where you are from or where you go to, you always have a piece of your culture with you wherever you are. It is your cultural heritage's and background which molds your mind, and your thoughts of how you perceive the world around you. In every culture different aspects of the society are viewed differently. Some cultures share similarities with other cultures about how they view things. In many cultures sports plays a key role in the society, and many times the whole community is based around the sports. No matter where you are from, sports will always play a role in the society. Many times in literature you can tell where the setting is or where the author is from by the way the community or society in the literature view sports. If you look at the literature that authors produce and where they are from, you will notice a common trend in all of their work. The cultural heritage of the writer affects the perspective in which they write from or about. The cultural heritage affects the writers perspective in many different ways, among them are stereotypes and the setting of the story and the everyday activities that the character go through. Two prime examples of how an authors cultural heritage affects the perspective that they write from is the South African author Bryce Courtenay and the American author Ernest Hemingway. Bryce Courtenay was born and raised in South Africa and received his early education there. He spend the majority of his adolescent life in South Africa and in his final year in Africa he spent it in the copper mines of Central Africa, before he moved to England to complete his education.1 Courtenay spent his early life in Africa, and the African culture had a profound affect him. His time in the copper mines also had a penetrating effect on him and it is visible in his writing, when he wrote about the mines in Africa.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tim OBriens Zeugmatic Novel, The Things They Carried :: Things They Carried Essays

Tim O'Brien's Zeugmatic Novel, The Things They Carried An early example of zeugma comes from Quintilian, the ancient Roman rhetorician, who cites the following from Cicero: "Lust conquered shame, boldness fear, madness reason," where the verb "conquered" is understood to also govern the final two phrases in the sentence (Crowley 203). The 18th century, an age of great rhetorical knowledge on the part of writers and preachers (and at least one writer-preacher, Laurence Sterne), is the heyday of zeugma. In "The Rape of the Lock" Alexander Pope speculates what may happen to Bellinda on a particularly ominous day: Whether the Nymph shall break Diana's Law, Or some frail China Jar receive a Flaw, Or stain her Honour, or her new Brocade, Forget her Pray'rs, or miss a Masquerade, Or lose her Heart, or Necklace, at a Ball.... (Butt 225) Pope does a beautiful job of contrasting the serious and the superficial in these five lines-will her chastity or her jar become flawed, will she forget her prayers or the masquerade? My paraphrases here fill out an implied zeugma in these lines, but it is in the third and fifth lines where he actually employs zeugma: will she "stain her Honour, or her new Brocade"? Will she "lose her Heart, or Necklace, at a ball"? In these "stain" and "lose" branch out to include (or to be more etymologically correct) YOKE quite different things: lace and a necklace being a bit more easily replaced than a stained honor and a lost heart, as those of you who have been in love may perhaps attest to. Richard Lanham, in a Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, defines zeugma as follows and again cites an example in Pope: "One verb governs several congruent words or clauses, each in a different way, as in 'The Rape of the Lock': Here thou, great Anna! whom three realms obey Dost sometimes counsel take-and sometimes tea." (Lanham 104-5)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marries Is Better Than Being Single Essay

There are lots of discussion and arguments about to being single or getting married nowadays. The new generation might not willing to bound into marriage life and they wish to remain in single life so they can have more privacy, freedom and the commitment of   responsibilities. However, marriage is union ordained by God and it is also a wonderful union of two people in love. It is unique, opposite-sex union with legal, social, economic and spiritual dimensions. Getting married does bring a lot of advantages to a person either family. The biggest advantage for getting married is emotional stability. Married people treat their own family as shelter and they can feel secure and relax when staying together with their family. Family provides a peace and comfort zone for those married people to restore their energy. Marriage can helps the couple to become more tolerant, unselfish, caring and more responsible. Its provide a chances for the husband and wife to grow with and sharing their life’s challenges, rewards and sorrows with a person who actually knows and understand what you going through and feels the same frequency. There are a lots of difficulties have to learn by marriage people as that is not easiest to living with someone for the rest of their life. They have to overcome all the problems facing by them and to learn how to take care of others feeling, patience, emotion control, temper, time management and attitude towards their family. In a marriage life, there are always someone’s to hear your companions. It is good to have someone there to have a share, to bounce ideas or to have a witty exchange of remarks. Companionship among the married peoples also offers support and can be particularly important at times of trouble or stress. At such times, married people have distinct advantages over being single. The other advantage for marriage is that allows couples to pool their both incomes to share the cost of living and debts, save more money for retirement and doing investment. The married people can also sharing a house, car and food so they can enjoy save cost for basic living conditions compare with a single person. Therefore, people who are married become less poverty but more wealth and their money goes further. It is because, they tend to specialize, exchange, and share roles and functions in ways to generate higher earnings, encourage savings, helping each other’s to restrain from impulse spending, and generally leave the family financially better off. Marriage can also leads to better health and greater longevity for people. There are more likely to enjoy better physical health. The spouses are intimately aware of and impacted by their spouse’s choices. In a sense, couples have a significant vested interest in watching out for one another and encouraging healthy choices and behaviour. For example, the wife might not allow her husband drinking, smoking or other unnecessary risk-taking and also control his weights. Compared to single, divorced or widowed people, the married people experience less depression, anxiety, and other types of psychological distress. Besides, the married people will have active, satisfying and safety sex lives compared with single people. The married people tend to have more sex because it costs them less in time, money and psychic energy. They have find it more satisfying because their sex partner is more available, less distracted, more eager and more secure and able to please. The higher levels of satisfaction for married couples is related to the fact that marriage adds meaning to the sexual act because it symbolizes a union that is based on sexual fidelity, stronger commitment and emotional intimacy. It had increased their commitment and their sense of responsibility, and had generally strengthened their relationships. In addition, the married life can brings greater safety towards the married people and expand their social network. It’s because, the married people have companion to visit places together, visit friends or holiday together. For the single person, that is far more difficult as often modern social life is geared around ‘couples’ and the single person can often feel left out or sometimes, simply not invited. At times, perhaps, having children might seem to impede their social life but it just brings a change in your social life and much of that social life involves being with your children. Lastly, married people will create a family with a new and challenging life instead of boring life compared with single people. Families are created and held together by the lifelong commitment of a man and a woman who live cooperatively and raise and nurture the children born to them. Families are the building block essential to the formation of a community, and strong social structure arises from the foundation many families provide. A thriving society and culture depend on stable marriages. For example, as marriage declines in a culture,  the state must spend more money and care for children who less of the financial stability with divorce family background. Strong marriages statuses are at the heart of thriving family and community. In conclusion, getting married is better than being single as there married leads to emotional stability, financial stability, train the couples become more independent and responsible, better health and greater longevity, have wonderful sexual life, easy to expand social networks and have a new challenging life instead of boring life compared to single people. Getting married is not an easy but it does bring a lot of meaningful to individuals, family and the community.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Elder Abuse and Living Arrangements in Late Adulthood Essay

Late adulthood is a period of various biological changes which can impact on an individual’s health and ability to function as easily in society. The stereotypical changes of this stage are paler less elastic skin resulting in wrinkles, thinning hair gradually turning from grey to white, weaker bones, muscle loss, and vision and hearing impairments e. g. cataracts and difficulty with word discrimination. There are changes to the brain also, such as the loss of dendrites which causes a reduction in brain weight and volume and slower synaptic speeds resulting in slower reaction times (Bee 1998, p. 53). Their immune system slows down as well, becoming less effective, and making them more prone to illness (Fernandez 2010, p. 794). Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia and is a change in the brain structure due to the tangling of dendritic fibres in the brain causing severe memory loss and personality changes (Bee 1998, p. 459). Overall, the elderly are mo re likely to have a chronic illness and disabilities which may impact upon their ability to bathe, walk, feed themselves, prepare meals, shop, dress themselves, and even live independently (Bee 1998, p. 56). This stage of life is characterised by a number of stresses and is a time of reflection. An individual’s changing work status, in particular when they retire, can be a source of stress as work is a major component of adult life and they now have to find other activities to fill their day. There is also the uncertainty of their financial future and whether they will have enough to live comfortably off (Fernandez 2010, pp. 853-855). Their health or partner’s health may be another source of stress for them, especially if it results in a caring role being required to complete everyday tasks; and the knowledge that their life is coming to an end (Fernandez 2010, pp. 867-868). Fernandez (2010, p. 851) states that late adulthood is a â€Å"†¦ time of looking back and taking stock of where we’ve been, what we’ve accomplished, and whom we have touched. † This results in a process called ‘Life Review’ which is gradually looking back at past experiences analysing and evaluating them to develop more secure and complex self concepts (Bee 1998, p. 02). Social interaction is an important part of life, continuing on in late adulthood and is associated with good health and life satisfaction. The elderly have frequent contact with family, finding strong emotional and practical support through them, especially adult children, and tend to have lower levels of institutionalisation with couples and relatives providing a high level of care and assistance to each other (Bee 1998, pp. 484-490). Friendships play an important role in late adulthood, with many enjoying time with friends more than with family (Fernandez 2010, p. 43). They provide companionship, intimacy, acceptance, opportunities for laughter, sharing of activities, links to a larger community, and protection from the psychological consequences of loss (Berk 1998, p. 609). In late adulthood where and with whom individuals are going to live is an issue they face. There are a number of options available to the elderly such as mobile homes, age segregated villages/communities, institutions, with family, or in their own home (Kalish 1975, pp. 97-99). Deciding which option is the most suitable for an individual can be influenced by a variety of things, such as health, disability, socio-economic status (SES) and culture. Mobile homes such as caravans suit those looking for a low cost and informal arrangement, however, those that have a mobility affecting disability or very poor health may not be suited to this option as they are usually small and on outskirts of towns (Kalish 1975, p. 98). Age segregated villages/communities include retirement homes that provide independent living arrangements or some support depending on the individual’s needs (Johnson 1960, p. 7). They tend to be in semi-isolated areas (making it hard for those with serious health issues to access medical attention), and are quite expensive (only those of high SES tend to be able to afford them) (Kalish 1975, pp. 98-99). The most common institution for the elderly is a nursing home, which cares for those who need considerable attention due to severe physic al or mental disabilities (approximately 5% of the aged population) (Kalish 1975, p. 99). Some residents are unable to feed, dress or bathe themselves, are incontinent or unaware of where or even who they are (Kalish 1975, p. 9). Medicare subsidises some of the costs, but not enough, meaning some individuals are still unable to cover the costs (Kalish 1975, p. 99). Family members provide the most long term care, whether that is a spouse, partner or adult children (Berk 1998, p. 575). It is more common for an elder of an eastern culture to live with their children and extended family, even if healthy, than for an elder from a western culture. Most individuals, even with a moderate disease or health problem, don’t live with relatives, but in their own house (Bee 1998, pp. 82-483). Living in their own home provides the greatest personal control, but those living alone are often poverty stricken and have unmet needs (Berk 1998, p. 601). This is where the Government and charity or ganisations help; they both provide small homes at low costs in suitable areas, as well as providing services such as home help (cleaning mainly), home visiting, and Meals on Wheels (Johnson 1960, p. 48). Elder abuse is a very real and serious issue that occurs during the late adulthood stage of life. There are many different types of elder abuse, including physical abuse (use of physical force resulting in injury, pain or impairment), sexual (non-consensual sexual contact), emotional/psychological (inflicting anguish, emotional pain or distress), neglect (failure to fulfil obligations or duties to an elder), financial exploitation (improper use of an elder’s funds, property or assets), and medical abuse (failing to provide adequate medical treatment or misusing medications) (Biggs 1995, pp. 6-37). It can also be intentional (conscious and deliberate attempt to inflict harm) or unintentional (inadvertent action resulting in harm, usually due to ignorance, inexperience, lack of desire or inability to provide proper car) (CSAP’s Prevention Pathways 2004). Stereotypically, it is nursing home residents that are more likely to be abused, as they are believed to be â€Å"vegetables†, and Kalish (1975, p. 9) states that health care professionals sometimes describe fe eding the resident using the expression, â€Å"watering the vegetables† which highlights this view and often leads to elder abuse as a way of degrading the elder and punishing them for needing attention and help. Unfortunately many nursing staff receive little or no in-service training and receive a very poor wage, so they feel out of their depths and do not enjoy the tasks required of them, which increases the risk of elder abuse as they feel frustrated, especially if the elder’s abilities are declining and need more care (Kalish 1975, p. 00). This leads to very few long term facilities providing intellectual or sensory stimulation. The more staff fail to stimulate the residents, the more they have to do for them, and the more the residents sink into despondency, creating more stress and frustration for the carers; becoming a viscous cycle (Kalish 1975, p. 100). The lack of stimulation itself, could be a form of unintentional neglect, as their intellectual needs are n ot being met. Despite the stereotypical view of nursing homes, it is in fact those who live in their own homes or with family who are abused the most, and it is the family that are usually the abusers, especially sons (Biggs 1995, p. 41). Victims of psychological or physical abuse tend to be physically well but have emotional problems while the abusers tend to have issues with alcohol and/or mental illness and live with the victim and are usually dependent on them (Biggs 1995, p. 43). Victims of neglect are usually very old and mentally or physically impaired with very little social support, and the abuser suffers chronic and continuing stress (Biggs 1995, p. 43). Those who are unmarried with limited support are at more risk of being financial exploited, with the abuser having financial problems or dependent on the victim for finances and accommodation (Biggs 1995, p. 43). In 1993 the Commonwealth Government established the Working Party on the Protection of Frail Older People in the Community to protect the rights of residents in nursing homes (Biggs 1995, p. 53). Interestingly, mandatory reporting legislation that America has was rejected by most states in Australia at first and it wasn’t until July 2007 that compulsory reporting of unlawful sexual contact or unreasonable use of force was brought in, but this still doesn’t cover all elder abuse and only applies to residents of an Australian Government subsidised aged care facility (Aged Rights Advocacy Service 2012). Erik Erikson was a German psychoanalyst who developed an eight stage psychosocial development theory; this essay will focus on his last stage, ego integrity versus despair (Fernandez 2010, p. 21). The basic concept of this stage is the question ‘Was my life meaningful? ’ and involves looking back on one’s life to determine this. The hope is that the individual will come to terms with and accept who they are and have been, the choices they have made, and the opportunities they have gained and lost, and their impending death and thus achieve the vi rtue of wisdom (Bee 1998, p. 501). If they don’t come to terms with their life they develop despair, where they feel dissatisfied with their life and feel it is too late to change it (Berk 1998, p. 88). For example, someone who has very poor health and is reliant on others to help care for them may feel like a burden and have a sense of hopelessness resulting in them continuing to live alone as they do not wish to put others out. While someone else may view it as they’ve lived a long healthy life up until now and they have a loving family who is willing to help them in their old age, leaving them with a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction, and will happily move in with relatives. Another example might be living in a retirement home, some elderly may come to resent the age segregation and feel like society has pushed them to the outskirts to die, while others may feel stronger social connections, higher morale and a general higher life satisfaction due to the close proximity of others of similar age. Erikson’s theory is valuable in providing a guideline by which to understand this stage, but is it as clear cut as having integrity or despairing? Maxine Walaskay classified elderly into one of four categories, integrity achieved (aware of their ageing and accept the life lived); despairing (negative evaluation of life); foreclosed (content with their current life but resist self exploration); and dissonant (just beginning to evaluate their life) (Bee 1998, p. 501). Walaskay’s classification seems to say that not all individuals in this life stage look back on their life and evaluate it, that those in the foreclosed category base it on where their life is at now, so it would seem that Erikson’s theory does not apply to everyone in this life stage. Stress as a transaction theory looks at a stimulus only becoming a stressor when it is perceived that way by the individual, and whether they believe they have the resources to cope. In terms of elder abuse it would focus on the increasing dependency of the elder and a burden of care giving as the cause of stress thus increasing the risk of abuse (CSAP’s Prevention Pathways 2004). It proposes that there are factors influencing the risk of elder abuse in terms of elder related (physical or emotional dependency, poor health, impaired mental status and a ‘difficult’ personality), structural related (emotional strain, social isolation and environmental problems) and carer related factors (life crisis and burn out or exhaustion) (Biggs 1995, p. 25). For example an institutionalised resident’s dementia worsens making them more reliant on the carer, leading to more stress as the carer may not feel they have the capabilities to handle increased roles and this may cause them to abuse the resident. Another example could be an only child suffering extreme financial distress due to gambling debts, who lives with their mentally impaired mother and feels they cannot pay their own debs so they fraudulently use their mother’s funds. This theory looks at the relationship between the dependency of the elder and the stress this creates resulting in abusive behaviour, which research has been unable to prove (Biggs 1995, p. 30). According to this theory, by reducing the level of care giving stress, the likelihood of elder abuse would decrease as well, but this doesn’t take into account other factors that may be attributing to the abuse such as power roles (being physically and mentally more powerful and degrading and abusing the elder as a way to exert and maintain that power), and even a history of violence (if the elder was abusive earlier in their life and the abused becomes their carer, such as a wife or child, then the carer may have learnt that behaviour and carry it on by abusing the elder). There are many biological, psychological and social factors that impact individuals in the late adulthood stage of life, which can contribute to issues they face such as the influence of an individual’s health, ability to function effectively in society and social networks on where and with whom to live and the occurrence of elder abuse. The two theories, Erikson’s ego integrity versus despair and the stress as a transaction theory help provide some guidelines to examine the issues of living arrangements and elder abuse faced by individuals in this stage of life. Reference List Aged Rights Advocacy Service 2012, Mandatory Reporting: Elder Abuse and the Law, Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc. , accessed 23 September 2012, <http://www. sa. agedrights. asn. au/residential_care/preventing_elder_abuse/elder_abuse_and_the_law/mandatory_reporting> Bee, H 1998, Lifespan Development, 2nd edn, Longman, Sydney Berk, L 1998, Development through the Lifespan, Allyn & Bacon, Needham Heights Biggs, S, Kingston, P & Phillipson, C 1995, Elder Abuse in Perspective, Open University Press, Buckingham CSAP’s Prevention Pathways: Online Courses 2004, Out of the Shadows: Uncovering substance use and elder abuse, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, accessed 23 September 2012, <http://pathwayscourses. samhsa. gov/elab/elab_1_pg1. htm> Fernandez, E 2010, SOCW1003: Human Behaviour 1: Life stress and the life span, McGraw Hill, North Ryde Johnson, E 1960, ‘Social Provisions for the Aged: With special reference to accommodation, clubs and foster homes’, in A Stoller (ed), Growing Old: Problems of Old Age in the Australian Community, Halstead Press, Sydney pp. 46-53 Kalish, R 1975, Late Adulthood: Perspectives on Human Development, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, California

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Motorcycle Helmet law debate Essay

Across the United States, every year millions of license drivers choose to ride motorcycles rather than drive automobiles for a variety of reasons; Reasons range from individual pleasure to a much more cost effective way to travel. The universal motorcycle helmet law debate over the past forty years has revolved around whether the federal government should adopt a universal helmet law that mandates all motorcyclists to wear helmets at all times when riding to reduce societies economic cost, or whether the individual rider should have the right to choose rather to wear or not wear a helmet. In 1967, nearly all States implemented a mandatory universal helmet law in order to receive federal funds to repair and improve our Interstate Highways. Once the 1966 National Highway Safety Act was imposed, the history of motorcycle helmet legislation began. Americans have continuously debated over the balance between an individual’s rights, the best interest of the public and when the government should take measures to protect the people of the United States from harm. Four out of five Americans are in support of a universal helmet law, yet motorcyclists represent only about two percent of all registered vehicles in the United States (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2008). This suggest that a majority of supporters are either not motorcycle owners and/or seemed to have taken a utilitarianism cost and benefits analysis approach, which according to Michael Sandel â€Å"many argue, that a weakness in utilitarianism is that it fails to respect individual rights. † Supporters believe that wearing a motorcycle helmet protects riders’ by preventing serious head injuries and lowers mortality rates, which results in society saving an immense deal of economic cost, such as taxes, insurance premiums and government funded healthcare expenses. Non-supporters, including myself a registered motorcycle owner, argue that a universal helmet law is unconstitutional, as it violates our right to â€Å"Freedom of Choice† as written in our Bill of Rights. Despite the tremendous amount of statistics, that claim motorcycle helmets may reduce head injuries and lower fatalities, as of now only twenty States and the District of Columbia currently have and enforce a universal motorcycle helmet law, twenty-seven States that do enforce partial motorcycle helmet laws that are directed at riders under a certain age (usually 18) and three States (Illinois, Iowa, and New Hampshire) still currently have no helmet laws in use (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2008). In order to have a better understanding of the ratiocination of the universal motorcycle helmet law, you have to know the history of the legislation of the universal motorcycle helmet law. The beginning of motorcycle helmet legislation in the United States was when the 1966 National Highway Safety Act was originally created to generate additional federal funding to States for our Interstate Highway System. However, in order for the States to receive funding, the federal government placed stipulations that influenced States to comply with safety laws that the federal government wanted to be in place. If the States did not comply, they would lose these funds (see Note: a, b, c, d and e in Figure 1, Homer, Jenny and French, Michael 416. ) Prior to 1966, only three States (New York, Massachusetts, and Michigan) had motorcycle helmet use laws, even though motorcycle helmet usage began as early the 1920’s by Motorcycle racers as a form of protection (Jones, Marian Moser, and Ronald Bayer 209). By 1967, after the federal standard for State Highway Safety Programs was implemented requiring States to have a universal motorcycle helmet law in effect in order to qualify for additional federal funds; All but three States (California, New Hampshire and Illinois) complied by implementing and enforcing a universal helmet law that required all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, so they would qualify to receive the additional Interstate Highway funding. Then, By 1975, 47 states and the District of Columbia had adopted universal helmet laws. This trend reversed dramatically in the latter half of 1975 when Congress acquiesced to the pressure exerted by groups such as ABATE, and amended the Act to remove the contingency of federal highway funds on universal helmet laws. The amendment led to the repeal of universal coverage in 27 states shortly thereafter (Derrick, Allison J. , and Lee D. Faucher 229). Between 1989 and 1994, Congress once again began to try and influence the States to mandate a universal motorcycle helmet law by implementing the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, also known as ISTEA. ISTEA provided special â€Å"incentive† grants to states with both universal motorcycle helmet laws and passenger vehicle safety belt use laws. A state qualified for a first-year grant by having these two laws in effect. In subsequent years, the state also was required to exceed minimum motorcycle helmet and safety belt use levels (helmet use of 75 percent in the second year and 85 percent in the third year). Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia received grants for one or more of the fiscal years 1992, 1993, and 1994 for which the grants were authorized (R. G. Ulmer and D.F. Preusser 5). The ISTEA Act was much more effect on the universal safety belt law rather than the universal helmet laws; States were more successful in implementing and convincing Americans to comply with safety seat belt laws rather than a universal motorcycle helmet law. I agree with Charles Umbenhauer of USA Today who believes â€Å"Unlike seat belts, helmets represent a separate purchase. Helmet laws, on the other hand, are a manifestation of society’s belief that its members lack the wisdom to make decisions about personal safety and must therefore be subjected to arbitrary laws. † Between 1995 and 2001, Congress implemented the National Highway System Designation Act. This Act repealed the ISTEA largely in response to lobbying by the educated and very organized motorcycle groups, such as American Motorcycle Association â€Å"AMA,† Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and American Bikers Aimed Toward Education â€Å"ABATE†. The lobbying of these groups resulted in five States (Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas) repealing their universal helmet requirements. According to the Congressional Record- Senate on June 20, 1995 that after very much debate over mandating a universal motorcycle helmet law, US Congress decided that States would be required to implement motorcycle rider education programs instead of a universal helmet law to receive funding. Congress acted in accordance to Aristotle belief that â€Å"Legislators make the citizens good by forming habits in them, and this is the wish of every legislator, and those who do not effect it miss their mark, and it is this that a good constitution differs from a bad one† (Sandel, Michael 198). Of the current thirty States that allow adult riders to choose rather they prefer to wear helmets or not, three States require the rider must be 18 years or older; Five States require the rider must be 21 years or older; The remaining nineteen States have other stipulations that require riders to either complete motorcycle training courses, have a helmet in possession, but not required to wear the helmet and/or a minimum of $10,000. 00 of medical insurance that is specifically for injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2008). In November 2010, supporters led by safety groups and the insurance industry began to lobby that all States that currently do not have and/or enforce a universal motorcycle helmet law should implement a universal motorcycle helmet law; Aristotle would have most likely supported this act, as he stated â€Å"The purpose of politics is nothing less than to enable people to develop their distinctive human capacities and virtues—to deliberate about the common good, to acquire practical judgment, to share in self-government, to care for the fate of the community as a whole† (Sandel, Michael 194). While on the other hand, universal helmet law opponents like Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner that stated: It is the job of Congress to defend the freedom and individual responsibilities that motorcycle riders across the nation enjoy as they travel the open roads of America,† and â€Å"Mr. Strickland’s plan greatly concerns me as it is not the job of the federal government to create one-size- fits-all helmet laws. Mr. Strickland appears to be intent on pursuing all means possible to enact mandatory helmet laws either at the federal level or by violating the principles of the 10th Amendment and bullying the States into enacting mandatory helmet laws. Motorcyclists under the leadership of very organized motorcycle groups in the United States, since 1967 have continued to lobbying for repeal in the twenty States that currently have a universal helmet law. Most Americans agree there is a need to create laws that set limits and regulations in order to have a civilized society; However, motorcyclist believe this can be done without the government violating our individual â€Å"Freedom of Choice†, which allows a person to decide to take risks as long as they are only risking their own person and their property. According to libertarian theory of rights, Even if riding a motorcycle without a helmet is reckless, and even if helmet laws save lives and prevent devastating injuries, libertarians argue that such laws violate the rights of an individual to decide what risks to assume. As long as no third parties are harmed, and as long as motorcycle riders are responsible for their own medical bills, the state has no rights to dictate what risks they may take with their bodies and lives (Sandel, Michael 60). Despite the overwhelming evidence, some motorcyclists (including myself) refuse to wear helmets all the time when riding and oppose universal helmet laws because universal helmet laws represent government interference and these laws impede an individual’s â€Å"Freedom of Choice. † Most Americans would agree that wearing a motorcycle helmet is probably one of the safest pieces of protective outerwear when riding a motorcycle, but opponents of a universal helmet law, are disagreeing with the idea that the government should not mandate laws that take away an individual’s right to choose what to wear based on the Ninth Amendment: The Ninth Amendment [to the US Constitution] says no law shall be enacted that regulates the individual’s freedom to choose his personal actions and mode of dress so long as it does not in any way affect the life, liberty, and happiness of others. We are being forced to wear a particular type of apparel because we choose to ride motorcycles (Jones, Marian Moser, and Ronald Bayer 212). The United States Constitution is the foundation for the laws written in the United States. Our â€Å"founding fathers† created the constitution to establish a government for the people of the United States of America, but it does not grant you individual rights. The Bill of Rights was created to grant and protector your individual rights by limiting powers of government. A universal helmet law is an act of means ends paternalism based on Immanuel Kant’s distinction made between hypothetical and categorical imperatives. â€Å"Means-ends paternalism mirrors a hypothetical imperative, because it essentially takes the form of requiring people to do things that will lead to the satisfaction of their own goals. † States Legislatures have passed a universal motorcycle helmet law in the past and justified by claiming it would prevent people from exposure of serious head injury, which would cause financial and emotional harm to others, not just to the riders. Those who continue to support and lobby for a universal helmet law, make the claim that helmets are effective in reducing head injuries, which society bears the costs of non-helmet riders’ injuries, thereby establishing a public interest. By requiring the rider to use reasonable safety equipment, such as a motorcycle helmet, it prevents harm to others, not just to the motorcyclist. If the motorcyclist chooses not to wear a helmet, they may increase the risk that when an accident occurs, it could possible result in more severe injuries. The riders is guarantee government funded medical assistant under the United States Constitution, so the costs of those accidents will become a burden not only on the riders, but also on taxpayers, because not all riders have sufficient insurance or savings to pay for all of their medical expenses. According to John Stuart Mill, â€Å"subject to background duties of justice and fair contribution, state coercion is justified only to prevent or punish acts causing harms to other persons, not harms to self. Harm to others can be found in almost any type of behavior; indirect harm is subject to limitless expansion. Those who support apparently paternalistic policies identify superficial harms to others, such as financial burdens associated with risky behaviors. † Examples of this type of behavior would be the costs of emergency response and health care for injuries that could have possibility been prevented by wearing a motorcycle helmet. According to NHTSA Report to Congress regarding the Benefits of Safety Belts and Motorcycle Helmets society would be able to save cost by mandating a universal helmet law. An analysis of linked data from CODES with universal helmet laws showed that without the helmet law, the total extra inpatient charges due to brain injury would have almost doubled from $2,325,000 to $4,095,000; A number of studies have compared hospital costs for helmeted and un-helmeted motorcyclists involved in traffic crashes. These studies have revealed that un-helmeted riders involved in crashes are less likely to have insurance and more likely to have higher hospital costs than helmeted riders involved in similar crashes; Estimates that motorcycle helmet use saved $1. 3 billion in 2002 alone and an additional $853 million would have been saved if all motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes had worn helmets; Estimates that motorcycle helmet use saved $19. 5 billion in economic costs from 1984 through 2002 and an additional $14. 8 billion would have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets during the same period; CODES study also found that brain injury cases were more than twice as costly as non-brain injury cases for the one-year period studied. Among the un-helmeted motorcycle inpatients, charges for those suffering brain injuries were 2. 25 times higher than for those without brain injuries. Long-term costs were not included. (See EXHIBIT 13 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1996). Both sides of the debate present strong arguments that support their reasoning’s regarding a universal motorcycle helmet law. Supporters of a Universal motorcycle helmet law continually argue that, a universal helmet law would save not only health care costs; it would in addition also lower taxes, insurance rates and save lives according to NHTSA’s reports. Meanwhile, those who oppose a universal motorcycle helmet law believe â€Å"Despite the strong evidence implicating repeal of helmet use laws as the cause of the large recent increases in fatally injured motorcyclists, the American Motorcyclist Association claimed that â€Å"after an examination of available current data on motorcycle accidents, fatalities, registration and licensure, in addition to such relevant topics as weather conditions, we find that the NHTSA [was] altogether premature in its judgment . . . â€Å"in faulting the widespread repeal of helmet use laws. ’ The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has also recently suggested that the NHTSA has selected information supporting helmet use laws and disregarded information to the contrary† (Watson, Geoffrey S. , Paul L. Zador, and Alan Wilks 580). NHTSA, the insurance industry, and motorcyclist groups use FARS and GES Auxiliary Datasets, which are one-to-one mappings of the Accident, Vehicle, and Person files. When conducting research you have the ability to analyze the data in either its full detail as coded or only the data you want to, it depends on the safety issue that is being questioned and the results that you which to obtain, which can led to biases results. By passing a universal motorcycle helmet law, the Federal Government is suggesting that the average adult motorcyclist does not have enough common sense to make their own choices, therefore they are required to mandate or should I say dictate proper behavior for a motorcyclist. The best solution is to educate both motorcyclist and automobile drivers through safety training that will help prevent motorcycle accidents, rather than mandating a universal motorcycle helmet law that only violates the rights of the motorcyclist right to choice or not to choice to wear a helmet. It is the history of motorcycle legislation debate that demonstrates to me, American motorcyclist have placed a value on their â€Å"Freedom of Choice† and have been successful over the past four decades communicating that they value their â€Å"Freedom of Choice† to the government; For that I am thankful. Motorcyclists in general, enjoy the sense of freedom that we associate with riding and by passing a universal motorcycle helmet law it would strip away that sensation from us. As, when I am riding a motorcycle without a helmet my senses come alive, that includes my sense of freedom! It is the power of the sun warming my skin, the touch of the cooling breeze across my face, the aroma of the salty ocean air or the giant redwoods, the sound of thunder roaring beneath me, which allows me to have the sense of flying freely. 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